Government Pensions & Social Security, Fun Money Buckets, and SS Potential Changes in 2035: Q&A #2009
February 29, 2020

Today Jim and Chris discuss how government pensions affect Social Security benefits, how they calculate fun money bucket sums, and the projected potential change in Social Security funds in 2035. (8:10) A Coloradoan asks about how WEP might affect his wife’s Social Security benefits due to her PERA account. (16:15) Georgette wonders how Jim and Chris generate the large sums that would be...
Listen Now1099 Tax Forms and the “Mega Backdoor Conversion”: EDU #2008
February 26, 2020

Chris hosts today’s show with CPA Bob Palechek as they discuss 1099 tax forms and the “mega backdoor Roth conversion.” This topic is the result of a listener’s email about converting after-tax 401k dollars into a Roth IRA and wondering if he’ll receive a 1099 form from his IRA custodian....
Listen NowThe Earnings Test “Special Rule,” and SECURE Act Questions: Q&A #2008
February 22, 2020

Today two listeners have questions regarding the earnings test/special rule, and then Jim and Chris answer questions about how the SECURE Act affects certain IRAs. (5:40) A Washington listener asks how to calculate the “special rule,” that once in a lifetime rule, regarding earnings before retirement. (7:17) A Virginian asks a question similar to above in regards to the earnings...
Listen NowJim & Chris’s Retirement Planning Approach and Process Part 5: EDU #2007
February 19, 2020

We are wrapping up our 5-Part series in which Jim and Chris describe their retirement planning approach and process. In Parts 1 and 2 they discussed the philosophy of their approach. In Parts 3 and 4 they explained further how they begin their planning process, using a fictitious couple as an example. In this episode, Jim and Chris describe how the last few stages are put together to finish...
Listen NowLive Caller: Reducing IRMAA, Bonds or Income Annuities, and Some Comments: Q&A #2007
February 15, 2020

A live caller and an email comment from a financial planner are featured on today’s podcast. Jim and Chris talk through a listener’s concerns about establishing less-volatile accounts while still keeping low income for tax strategies. (3:12) Live caller George would like to discuss how to reduce IRMAA early in retirement (35:45) George continues by asking how to establish secure...
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