Our Past Shows
Here you will find a year's worth of our past radio shows. Please understand, due to compliance and supervisory guidelines, there is a lag time from when a show first broadcasts to when it can be listed here for later playback. If the show you want is not available, please check back again soon.
Although Jim and Chris strive to make their show ─ and the information presented − topical and pertinent at the time of original broadcast, please recognize the financial world is constantly changing and evolving. These recorded broadcasts may contain outdated or obsolete information. Never make any financial, tax or investment decisions with information contained on these shows without first consulting with your legal, tax and/or financial advisor(s).
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Passing On “Tricky Assets” to Your Heirs
September 5, 2015
Jim recently read an interesteing article involving how to pass on “tricky assets” to your heirs. What do you do with things like pets, airline miles or vacation homes? Jim, Chris and Peter discuss how best to deal with these assets. Also during this show, Jim, Chris and Peter discuss HIPAA waivers and medical powers of attorney for college-age children and a Tax Court case...
Listen NowComplexity of Retirement Planning
August 29, 2015
Over the course of a week, Jim, Chris and Justin all found errors in nationally produced materials that are used to help with retirement planning. Justin found a mistake in Social Security-related software regarding non-covered earnings. Chris noticed an error in a Social Security publication about the Windfall Elimination Provision, and Jim found the software from a prominent Retirement...
Listen NowBucket Strategy of Retirement Planning
August 22, 2015

You know the adage, “If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound”? Well, you can apply this same thinking to the stock market. If your portfolio falls 20%, and you don’t need the money, does it really matter? Jim, Chris and Peter discuss the bucket strategy of retirement planning, where the “buckets” are the accumulation phase,...
Listen NowERISA Rules
August 15, 2015
If you’re part of a blended family – listen up! ERISA, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act can have unintended consequences for retirement accounts, particularly when it comes to beneficiaries of these accounts when the original account holder passes away. In cases of divorce and remarriage, the beneficiary may not be who was intended. During this show, Jim, Chris and Peter...
Listen NowEstate Planning Trivia
August 8, 2015

When most people hear the word “estate”, they think mansions with large formal gardens and then figure since they don’t live in a mansion, “estate planning” does not apply to them. That couldn’t be farther from the truth! During this trivia show, Jim and Peter find out how much listeners really know about estate planning....
Listen NowTop 7 Risks in Retirement Planning
August 1, 2015
Jim, Chris and Peter discuss the top seven risks in retirement planning as described by Dr. Wade Pfau, a professor of retirement income at the American College in Bryn Mawr, PA. They also answer listeners’ emails regarding Social Security and spousal benefits involving a divorced spouse....
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