Earnings Test, IRMAA, Survivor Benefits, 529 Plans, and SPIAs: Q&A #2447

November 23, 2024

Earnings Test, IRMAA, Survivor Benefits, 529 Plans, and SPIAs: Q&A #2447

Jim and Chris sit down to answer listener questions related to Social Security, 529 Plans, and SPIA payments… (6:30) A listener wonders if they will be subject to the Social Security earnings test. (14:30) The guys weigh in on if/how a Roth conversion would impact an IRMAA appeal. (30:30) Chris answers whether there is a time limit to apply for Survivor Benefits. (46:30) George asks...

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Restricted Spousal Benefits, Survivor Benefits, Laid-Off Effects: Q&A #1943

November 9, 2019

Restricted Spousal Benefits, Survivor Benefits, Laid-Off Effects: Q&A #1943

While Jim is out elk hunting, Chris flies solo answering topics about restricted spousal benefits, survivor benefits, and laid-off effects on Social Security. (4:10) A fellow Coloradoan asks questions about benefit amounts after filing for restricted spousal benefits. (9:55) An Oklahoma listener wants to confirm information about survivor benefits. (13:40) A Georgia listener would like to...

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Q&A: QLAC, Earnings Test, and 60-Day Rollover for Roth Conversion

January 19, 2019

Q&A: QLAC, Earnings Test, and 60-Day Rollover for Roth Conversion

Jim and Chris answer three listeners’ questions.  Topics discussed include how business income is affected by the Social Security earnings test, QLAC, and using the 60-day rollover as a Roth conversion strategy. http://media.blubrry.com/the_retirement_and_ira_show/s3.amazonaws.com/TheRetirementandIRAShow/RAIRA-Show-QA-Y19E02.mp3 Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:27:35...

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Q&A: 401k Strategies, Earnings Test

December 22, 2018

Join Jim and Chris as they answer questions regarding 401k strategies and working while receiving Social Security. This week a Minnesota listener asks whether they should rollover their 401k with a previous employer and another listener wonders how to get the best tax rate on 401k withdrawals. Also, a Missouri listener ponders self-employment in retirement and a Wisconsin listener looks for some...

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Jim Saulnier and Associates | 970-530-0556 | 506 East Mulberry Street, Fort Collins, Colorado 80524

Ed Slott Advisor recognition requires an advisor to be well versed on the rules and regulations regarding IRAs. The advisor must attend two live training sessions and pass two written exams annually to remain in the program. Jim Saulnier & Associates, LLC (“RIA Firm”) is a registered investment adviser located in Fort Collins, CO. Jim Saulnier & Associates, LLC may only transact business in those states in which it is registered, or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration requirements. Current registered states: CA, CO, PA, TX, WA, IL Insurance products and services are offered and sold through James H. Saulnier, a Colorado licensed insurance producer, only in those states in which he is reciprocally licensed or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from licensing requirements. Current reciprocal insurance licensing in these states: AZ, CA, CA, CN, FL, HI, IA, MA, MD, NY, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WA, WI, WY Click here for a more detailed disclosure.