Social Security, SSA-44, MDF, Inflation, and Rollovers: Q&A #2406

February 10, 2024

Social Security, SSA-44, MDF, Inflation, and Rollovers: Q&A #2406

Jim and Chris sit down to discuss listeners questions relating to Social Security, SSA-44, IRMAA, MDF, inflation, and rollovers. (6:45) Georgette asks if she can begin claiming a Social Security spousal benefit before claiming her own benefit down the road. (20:00) A listener in Virginia comments on a previous shows question regarding the sale of a property, and filing of SSA-44. (39:00) A...

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IRMAA, SSA-44, and Social Security Spousal/Survivor Benefits: Q&A #2345

November 11, 2023

IRMAA, SSA-44, and Social Security Spousal/Survivor Benefits: Q&A #2345

Chris sits down on a solo show to discuss listeners questions relating to IRMAA, SSA-44, and Social Security spousal/survivor benefits. (3:30) A Californian listener asks about the timing of when IRMAA will start relative to applying for Medicare. (10:11) A listener from Indiana looks for clarification on the need for an SSA-44 form for a client who was recently let go from employment. (20:30)...

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Social Security, SSA-44, Secure Act 2.0, and Income Annuities: Q&A #2337

September 16, 2023

Social Security, SSA-44, Secure Act 2.0, and Income Annuities: Q&A #2337

Jim and Chris sit down to discuss listener questions relating to Social Security, SSA-44, Secure Act 2.0, and income annuities. (6:45) A Virginian listener mentions a personal experience with personal and spousal Social Security benefits and asks for clarification on the exact rules. (27:30) George from Virginia asks if you have to file the form SSA-44 twice for each year in the two year...

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Jim Saulnier and Associates | 970-530-0556 | 506 East Mulberry Street, Fort Collins, Colorado 80524

Ed Slott Advisor recognition requires an advisor to be well versed on the rules and regulations regarding IRAs. The advisor must attend two live training sessions and pass two written exams annually to remain in the program. Jim Saulnier & Associates, LLC (“RIA Firm”) is a registered investment adviser located in Fort Collins, CO. Jim Saulnier & Associates, LLC may only transact business in those states in which it is registered, or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration requirements. Current registered states: CA, CO, PA, TX, WA, IL Insurance products and services are offered and sold through James H. Saulnier, a Colorado licensed insurance producer, only in those states in which he is reciprocally licensed or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from licensing requirements. Current reciprocal insurance licensing in these states: AZ, CA, CA, CN, FL, HI, IA, MA, MD, NY, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WA, WI, WY Click here for a more detailed disclosure.