Social Security, SSA-44, MDF, Inflation, and Rollovers: Q&A #2406
February 10, 2024

Jim and Chris sit down to discuss listeners questions relating to Social Security, SSA-44, IRMAA, MDF, inflation, and rollovers. (6:45) Georgette asks if she can begin claiming a Social Security spousal benefit before claiming her own benefit down the road. (20:00) A listener in Virginia comments on a previous shows question regarding the sale of a property, and filing of SSA-44. (39:00) A...
Listen NowIRMAA, SSA-44, and Social Security Spousal/Survivor Benefits: Q&A #2345
November 11, 2023

Chris sits down on a solo show to discuss listeners questions relating to IRMAA, SSA-44, and Social Security spousal/survivor benefits. (3:30) A Californian listener asks about the timing of when IRMAA will start relative to applying for Medicare. (10:11) A listener from Indiana looks for clarification on the need for an SSA-44 form for a client who was recently let go from employment. (20:30)...
Listen NowSocial Security, SSA-44, Secure Act 2.0, and Income Annuities: Q&A #2337
September 16, 2023

Jim and Chris sit down to discuss listener questions relating to Social Security, SSA-44, Secure Act 2.0, and income annuities. (6:45) A Virginian listener mentions a personal experience with personal and spousal Social Security benefits and asks for clarification on the exact rules. (27:30) George from Virginia asks if you have to file the form SSA-44 twice for each year in the two year...
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