Spousal Benefits, Investing, Roth Conversions, Trusts, and MYGAs: Q&A #2247
November 19, 2022

Jim and Chris sit down to discuss listeners questions relating to spousal benefits, investing, Roth conversions, trusts, and MYGAs. (7:45) Georgette from New York looks for clarification on the possible reduction of spousal Social Security benefits. (15:30) A Californian listener wonders if it makes sense to sell some of his bond funds that are currently down or if it’s better to hold them...
Listen NowSocial Security, MYGAs, Conflicts of Interest, the Minimum Dignity Floor, and QLACs: Q&A #2134
August 21, 2021

Jim and Chris sit down to discuss listener questions about Social Security survivor and spousal benefits, MYGAs, Conflicts of Interest, the Minimum Dignity Floor, QLACs, and RMDs. (6:00) Cousin George from Delaware asks a question about claiming Social Security survivors benefits. (16:30) A Floridian wants to know if claiming Social Security spousal benefits will affect their own benefits later...
Listen NowSocial Security, Gifting, and MYGA Annuities: Q&A #2127
July 3, 2021

Jim and Chris sit down to discuss various listeners questions relating to Social Security, gifting to children, and MYGA annuities. (9:00) A South Carolinian listener looks for advice on her and her husband delaying till age 70 to claim Social Security benefits. (14:00) Georgette from Delaware asks for help with determining the best ages for her and her husband to begin claiming Social Security...
Listen NowSpousal Benefits, Non-Deductible IRAs, MYGAs, and Mega Backdoor Roths: Q&A #2102
January 9, 2021

Jim and Chris discuss and answer listeners’ questions on Social Security Spousal Benefits, Non-Deductible IRAs, Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuities, and Mega Backdoor Roths. (5:42) A listener asks a question about Social Security Spousal Benefits. (16:25) A Pennsylvanian wants to know how conversions impact cost basis in Non-Deductible IRAs. (37:45) An Iowan would like more information on what...
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